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Truck Alignment in LA

A truck's alignment is crucial for safety, extending tire life, and optimizing fuel efficiency. Alignment enhances stability, decreases maintenance costs, and ensures optimal steering response. Thus, a regular alignment check not only improves ride quality, but also saves fuel and long-term maintenance costs.


MPG Truck Solutions provides semi-truck and box truck alignment services to meet your needs in the Los Angeles area. We have qualified mechanics who perform precision truck alignments.

Our Services Include:

Wheel Alignment Check: We perform comprehensive wheel alignment checks for semi trucks and box trucks to identify any alignment issues.
Alignment Adjustments: Our technicians utilize advanced alignment equipment to ensure your vehicle's alignment settings adhere to manufacturer specifications.
Steering and Suspension Inspection: We inspect your truck's steering and suspension components for any underlying issues that may be contributing to alignment problems.
Alignment Correction for Specialized Trucks: Our team is experienced in aligning various types of trucks, including semi trucks, box trucks, and specialized commercial vehicles.
Alignment Maintenance Programs: We offer alignment maintenance programs to help you stay ahead of alignment issues and extend the life of your tires.​



Schedule an Appointment


If you observe any signs, such as uneven tire wear, vehicle pulling to one side, vibrations, shaking or experience a combination of signs, it's advisable to schedule a semi-truck and box-truck alignment service promptly. You can avoid more extensive and costly repairs in the future by paying attention to alignment issues early in the life of your truck.

Why Choose MPG Truck Solutions for Truck Alignment?


Experienced Technicians: Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in performing truck alignments for semi trucks and box trucks.


Precision: We utilize state-of-the-art alignment equipment to ensure your truck's wheels are aligned with pinpoint accuracy.


Efficiency: We understand the importance of quick, efficient alignment services to minimize downtime and keep your vehicles on the road.


Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive rates to ensure you receive top-notch service without breaking the bank.


Customer Satisfaction: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We are committed to delivering the best service with a smile.

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